Google Cache Bookmarklets


// // April 14th 2024 // SEO + Technology

Earlier this year Google retired the links to its web cache. “This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

The feature still exists (for now) as long as you know the right URL pattern. So I dusted off my JavaScript skills and created a set of three bookmarklets, one for each type of web cache result.

Full Version Cache
Text Only Cache
View Source Cache

Just drag the highlighted links above to your bookmarks bar. Then click the bookmark to see the cache of your choice for the page you’re on.

Honestly, you probably only need one of these since you can navigate to the other version once you’re in the cache. But it was a fun 8 minutes figuring out the parameters that mapped to each one.

Enjoy and let me know if you encounter any problems.

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